Companies that prefer off-site management of recruitment can take advantage of the constant support provided by Siamo Recruitment’s national network of high-street branches.
Our branch managers and recruitment consultants will work with you to establish your staffing needs and assign the right employees, with the right expertise, to your particular task. We’ll make sure that we provide reliable workers with the correct skill set that arrive on time, equipped with appropriate PPE where necessary, for the duration of the assignment. And to make sure everything runs smoothly, we’ll communicate with you on a regular basis to review the situation and help you plan for the future.
We act as an extension to your management team, offering a variety of value added services. We offer:
- Local branches with local knowledge
- Extended opening hours, from 08:00 to 18:00
- A dedicated account manager, providing a single port of call
- 24-hour telephone support, provided by an experienced branch-based consultant
- A selection – rather than registration – process
- Legislation experts, ensuring peace of mind
- Weekly management information – including training matrices – covering KPIs
- IT portal to monitor real-time productivity, attrition, attendance and cost of staff
- Biometric hand scanners to eliminate fraud
- Employee welfare strategies
- On-site or remote induction training, underwritten by a robust insurance policy
- Flexible, productivity-based pricing structure
- Proven worker retention strategies