The challenge // Quick change in contract
Client and agency worked in partnership to foresee any problems with the existing supplier prior to engaging in negotiations regarding their exit. Recruitment began 4 weeks before starting TUPE discussions with the existing supplier. 80 staff were interviewed, assessed and referenced. Negotiations took place with the existing supplier – including the offer of a goodwill payment for any temporary workers that the client wished to keep. Existing supplier refused the goodwill payment. Existing supplier was made aware that 80 staff had been interviewed, assessed and referenced. Existing supplier accepted the goodwill payment for all current temporary workers required by the client.
The result
Risk-free, seamless implementation of Siamo. Existing supplier exited with a goodwill payment and an extended notice period (both outside of their contractual rights) for their co-operation, maintaining good local relations and the excellent reputation of the client. Siamo remains the sole supplier more than 7 years later.